bollard cover purposes

10 Surprising Purposes

You may be thinking: 10 surprising purposes for a bollard cover! Doubtful! A bollard cover – rather an unremarkable item, isn’t it? We’d hedge our bets that you’ve never paid all that much attention to what this simple invention is capable of. So we’ve done the thinking for you, and put together this little list of ten ways in which bollard covers can transform the place in which they’re used. So read on for 10 surprising purposes for bollard covers!

10 Surprising Purposes For Bollard Covers

10 surprising purposes for bollard covers

Bollard covers can…

  1. Keep pedestrians safe

Arguably the most important of our 10 surprising purposes! Bollard covers can help emphasise pedestrian-only areas – creating a clear, visible boundary between the road and the pedestrian zone.

  1. Provide protection for ATMs

ATMs are expensive and bollards not only protect these everyday machines from being hijacked, they also preserve them from accidental damage caused by lacklustre drivers. Safe to say then that the brighter and more eye-catching the bollard cover, the better.

  1. Make the entrance to a car garage a little more pristine

Service bays aren’t the most glamorous of places, but they should be maintained to a standard that welcomes customers in – and having a marked, scuffed and scraped bollard is hardly going to fill customers with confidence when entrusting their vehicle to the staff there. A bollard cover can cover up unsightly marks, whilst directing customers and staff safely into the various bays.

  1. Direct customers the right way, when it comes to the local drive thru

Drive thru’s are often squeezed in alongside parking spaces and around the take away building – making for a tight route that drivers must work their way around. The chance of damage being caused to the building, other cars or signage is high, and bollard covers are often essential for helping customers navigate tight spots and corners.

  1. Redirect traffic

On the busiest of streets traffic patterns may often need to be redirected – with areas frequently blocked off for use exclusively by the general public. For this task popup bollards are critical, as are the neon bollard covers that alert drivers and pedestrians alike of the clearly separated zones.

  1. Work in tandem with lighting to help pedestrians feel safe at night

Well-lit pavements are essential during night-time hours for helping pedestrians feel and stay safe. Bright neon bollard covers can add an extra layer of protection for those vulnerable pedestrians, especially when compared to the alternative of uncovered plain black or steel bollards.

  1. Help to manage warehouse traffic

Colour coded bollards can help to guide forklifts, workers on foot and other vehicles, ensuring the safe and smooth operation in the day to day running of a warehouse.

  1. Clearly mark out emergency stations

Make sure everyone knows where the emergency first aid kit or defibrillator can be found, with neon amber or green bollard covers.

  1. Keep disabled parking for those who need it

There are some who abuse disabled parking spaces, and others that accidently park up without realising the valuable space they’re incorrectly using. Coloured bollard covers and proper signage can make it clear, even when a car is parked in place.

  1. Guide and inform motorists

Bollard covers are a helpful, fast solution for guiding vehicles and/or pedestrians along routes. They can be especially versatile where these routes may change frequently, such as when used for parking for an outdoor event, whereas the next week the field may have to serve as a base for a car boot.


So there you have it! 10 surprising purposes for bollard covers that we hope have inspired you. Should you need any assistance with your bollard cover design, check out our design services, or contact our friendly team today!

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